Shades of Orange



The colour Orange is a bright and uplifting colour, it is a colour of boldness and enthusiasm, excitement and high energy. It radiates warmth and happiness and can also promote rejuvenation. Further, the colour orange can aid in drawing attention as well as promoting happiness and joy.

Shades of Orange

There are so many shades of orange that sit within the colour wheel between yellow and red. The colour orange is all around us, in sunsets, the earth, the leaves, feathers, insects, rust, trees, flowers and fruit. Varying shades of orange have been used throughout history, in First Nations art and culture, Ancient Egypt and Early Hinduism and Buddhism, shades have been used from bright saffron through to deep ochre and mustards.

Orange Scent

Citrus scents tend to be energetic and uplifting yet also promote calmness and relaxation. The scent of orange and citrus can help lift mood and reduce stress. Orange essential oils are used wildly in aromatherapy products and practices and is often found in home fragrances, bath and body products as well as in cleaning products.